In order to use this database, you must log in with your personal, organization, or group practice subscription.
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Renbase decision support database provides a quick access to information on the safe and effective use of drugs in patients with renal failure. Renbase gives a numeric dosing information in each degree of renal failure (mild, moderate, severe, end-stage or dialysis). In addition, a free text part includes description of the documentation, possible indication or dialysis method -specific instructions for dosage modification as well as specific instructions for patient monitoring. The dosage form in dosing is always taken into account. The user can estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) based on serum creatinine concentration, age and sex and thereafter the searches are made and pointed automatically to the right degree of renal failure. Renbase also contains a warning on the possible nephrotoxicity of the drug, which enables the user to list the nephrotoxic substances.
"In order to use this database, you must log in with your personal, organization, or group practice subscription.
For more information or to purchase a personal subscription, click below to see pricing.