DM’s Clinical Decision Support (CDS) is a vital component of any Practice Management Software (PMS). Dental Mammoth’s database of clinical content is now available for Practice Management Software integration, putting clinical decision support and knowledge at your fingertips. See our integration example: Planmeca Romexis® AssisDent.
Relevant Information at the Point of Care
Dental Mammoth’s clinical content is an invaluable resource for any dentist in his or her daily practice. The content is readily available and periodically updated by professionals to ensure continuous reliability. It provides clinicians with access to over 25,000 topics in dental, medical and drug databases.

The DMService greatly reduces the margin of error and assists in the performance of high-quality dentistry.
The simple search menu ensures access to the appropriate clinical support for your patients’ medical histories, diagnoses and treatments.
Providing clinical content within practice management software encourages clinicians to use decision support more often, leading to an overall increase in positive outcomes.
This should have the knock-on effect of boosting clinician satisfaction with Practice Management Software, resulting in better dental care for all involved.
- Better patient outcome
- Instant access to relevant information increases efficiency
- Increases the value of practice management software
- Improves the overall quality of clinical work
- Early detection of potential problems
- Increases clinical knowledge
- Easy implementation into any digital practice management software
PDF material
How to get started with DM’s Clinical Decision Support?
Get in touch and we book a demo for you.
For technical support
DM’s CDS is easy to integrate into any PMS. The content is available through our API.
For enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us: support@dentalmammoth.com